Carlos Henrique Cabral Duarte
The following documents have been provided to ensure the timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the copyright holder's explicit permission.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Authorship and Peer-Review in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Computer 56(12):32-41. Dec. 2023.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Alternative Views Regarding Digital Transformation and Requirements Engineering in Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems. IEEE Software 39(3):9-10. May 2022.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Software Productivity in Practice: A Systematic Mapping Study. MDPI Software 1(2):164-214. May 2022.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Reviewed Literature on Software Productivity from 1987 to 2021. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26436.35205/1. Dataset.
Meira Levy, Lin Liu, Daniel Amyot, Eric Yu, Muneef Alshammari, Malak Baslyman, Elizabeth Bjarnason, Christopher Bull, Carlos Henrique C Duarte, Eduard C Groen, Sami Jantunen, Sylwia Kopczynska, Lysanne Lessard, Ita Richardson, Jens Weber, Ziqi Wei. Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging and Health: An Overview for Practitioners. IEEE Software 38(3):7-12. May 2021.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. On What Goes on with Goal-Oriented Healthcare Equipment Regulations: An Exploratory Case Study on the Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Industry in Brazil. IEEE Access 8 (1):58559-58574. March 2020.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. How Long after Compliance Do You Benefit From Regulation? An Empirical Study on Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Requirements. Proc. 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2019). pages 41-47. Berlin, Germany. July 2019.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. The Quest for Productivity in Software Engineering: A Practitioners Systematic Literature Review. In Proc. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Systems and Software Processes (ICSSP 2019). pages 145-154. Montreal, Canada. May 2019.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Reviewed Literature on Software Productivity from 1987 to 2017. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18086.24647/1. Dataset
Christof Ebert and Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Digital Transformation. IEEE Software 35 (4):16-21. July 2018.
Xavier Franch, Nazim Madhavji and Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Special Session on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry. Information and Software Technology 98:146-147. June 2018. Online content: Special session papers.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Software Quality Assurance in Brazil: Some Past Milestones and the Road Ahead (Keynote). In Proc. 16th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS 2017). page 415. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. August 2017.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte, Andreas Jedlitschka and Ayse Bener. 4th International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI 2016) - Post-workshop Report. ACM Software Engineering Notes 42(2):15-18. April 2017.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Productivity Paradoxes Revisited: Assessing the Relationship between Quality Maturity Levels and Labor Productivity in Brazilian Software Companies. Empirical Software Engineering 22(2):818-847. April 2017.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Brazilian IT Company Revenues and Employment per Year from Secondary Sources from 1990 to 2016. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21125.35043/2. Dataset.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Organizations with CMM and MPS.BR Appraised Quality Levels in Brazil from 1997 to 2016. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25047.68004/1. Dataset.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2016) - Industry track post-conference report. Revista do BNDES 46:313-323. December 2016. In Portuguese.
Christof Ebert and Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Requirements Engineering for the Digital Transformation: An Industry Panel. In Proc. 24th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2016). Pages 4-5. Beijing, China. September 2016.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. The Influence of Tax Incentive and Market Regulation Requirements on IT Companies: Empirical Evidence from the Brazilian Industry. Proc. 9th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW 2016). In: RE 2016 Workshop Proceedings. Pages 239-248. Beijing, China. September 2016.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte, Xavier Franch, and Nazim Madhavji. 3rd. International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI 2015) - Post-workshop Report. ACM Software Engineering Notes 40(5):26-29. September 2015.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Tony Gorschek. Technology Transfer -- Requirements Engineering Research to Industrial Practice: An Open (Ended) Debate. In Proc. 23rd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2015). pages 414-415. Ottawa, Canada. August 2015.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Patterns of Cooperative Technology Development and Transfer for Software-Engineering-in-the-Large. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice (SER&IP 2015). pages 32-38. Florence, Italy. May 2015.
Xavier Franch, Nazim Madhavji and Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. 3rd. International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI 2015) - Pre-workshop report. In Proc. 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'2015). Pages 967-968. Florence, Italy. May 2015.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. On the Relationship between Quality Assurance and Productivity in Software Companies. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI 2014). Hyderabad, India. June 2014.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. A Decade of Continued Support to the Information and Communication Technology Sector in Brazil: The Most Relevant Events and the Role of BNDES. Revista do BNDES 37:91-126. June 2012. In Portuguese.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Mathematical Models of Object-Based Distributed Systems. In Formal Modeling: Actors, Open Systems, Biological Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7000: 57-73. Menlo Park, USA. November 2011.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Ináh C. P. Garritano. Corporate Credit Rating Revisited: A Quantitative Approach Based on Neural Networks. April 2006. Unpublished.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. A Logico-Categorical Toolkit for Automated Rigorous Software Development. March 2006. Unpublished.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Rigorous Development of Functional Programs using Temporal Logic. In Proc. 4th Congress of Logic Applied to Technology (LAPTEC'03). São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Pages 9-18. November 2003.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. A Logico-Categorical Semantics of XML/DOM. In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Web Dynamics. Honolulu, Hawaii. Pages 46-56. May 2002.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Tom Maibaum. A Branching-Time Logical System for Open Distributed Systems Development. Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science 67. Special issue with papers of the 9th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. July/August 2002.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Brazil: Cooperative Development of a Software Industry. IEEE Software 19(3):84-87. May 2002.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Current Trends in Rigorous Distributed Object-Based Software Development. In Proc. 1st Workshop on Distributed Object Trends (WTOD'01). São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Pages 157-169. November 2001.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Carlos Eduardo Castello Branco. Social and Economic Impacts of the Brazilian Policy for Information Technologies. Revista do BNDES 15:125-145. June 2001. In Portuguese.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. A Road Map to Java Software Development (Book Review). IEEE Software 17 (5):120-121. September 2000.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Tom Maibaum. A Rely-guarantee Discipline for Open Distributed Systems Design. Information Processing Letters 74(1-2):55-63. April 2000.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Carolyn Talcott. Clara: An Actor Language for High-Performance Distributed Computing. In Proc. XII Symposium on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'2000). São Pedro, SP, Brazil. Pages 29-37. October 2000.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Proof-Theoretic Foundations for the Design of Actor Systems. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9(2):227-252. June 1999.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Proof-Theoretic Foundations for the Design of Extensible Software Systems. PhD Dissertation Extended Abstract. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 68:245-247. June 1999.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Proof-Theoretic Foundations for the Design of Extensible Software Systems. PhD Thesis. Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. November 1998. Online content: Appendix III (Proof of Useful Theorems in Hilbert Style).
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. A Proof-Theoretic Approach to the Design of Object-Based Mobility. In Proc. 2nd IFIP Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems (FMOODS'97). Canterbury, Kent, UK. Pages 37-53. July 1997.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Roberto Ierusalimschy. On the Systematic Development of Compilers: A Case Study. In Peter Fritzon, editor. Proc. Poster Session of CC'96 - International Conference on Compiler Construction, number LITH-IDA-R-96-12 in Technical Report Series of the Department of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University, Sweden. Pages 49-56. April 1996.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Moving Software to a Global Platform. IEEE Spectrum 33 (7):40-43. July 1996.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte e Roberto Ierusalimschy. Applying an Object-oriented Method in Compiler Development. In Proc. XXI Latin American Conference on Informatics (PANEL'95). Canela, RS, Brazil. Pages 743-754. July/August 1995. In Portuguese.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. The Development of a Miranda Compiler using an Object-oriented Method. MSc Dissertation. Informatics Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio), RJ, Brazil. July 1994. In Portuguese.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte, Esther Pacitti, Sidney D. Silva and Rubens N. Melo. HEROS: An Object-Oriented Heterogeneous Database Management System. In Proc. 8th Brazilian Symposium on Database Systems (SBBD 1993). Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. pages 383-393. May 1993. In Portuguese.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte and Edward H. Haeusler. Formal and Informal Development Techniques: An Integration Study using Statecharts. Technical Report PUC MCC-12/93. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio). Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 1993. In Portuguese.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte, Roberto Ierusalimschy and Carlos José P. Lucena. On the Modularisation of Formal Specifications: The NDB Example Revisited. Technical Report PUC MCC-33/92. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio). Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 1992.
Carlos Henrique C. Duarte. Apple and TK2000: Data storage and retrieval. Microsistemas 5(1):55. January 1986. In Portuguese.